AdSanity – Advertiser Reporting – Version – 1.4.2

== Changelog ==
= 1.0.0 =
* The first release!
= 1.1 =
* New: Adds the advertiser name to the post list for quicker identification of ads per advertiser
= 1.2 =
* New: Allows for HTML emails.
* Update: Adjusts the date-based mechanisms for triggering emails to match new AdSanity Core publish settings.
* Update: Makes auto-updates more resilient by checking against the Product ID rather than the Product Name.
* Fix: Makes the `*|DAYS|*` variable more accurate by checking against the actual end date.
= 1.3 =
* New: Adds test email functionality so you can preview the email before your advertisers see it.
* Updated: Better error handling when things go awry.