AdSanity – Core – Version – 1.9.2

== Changelog ==
= 1.0 =
* Launch!
= 1.0.1 =
* Removed non-standard ad sizes from the defaults
* Tracking filters can now be disabled by setting the constant ADSANITY_TRACK_THIS to true in wp-config.php
* Fixed default CSS for 125s and 140s
= 1.0.2 =
* Update far future date for ADSANITY_EOL to Dec 31, 2035 to keep within unix time limit for all hosts.
= 1.0.3 =
* WordPress 3.5 compatibility. The upgrade of the jQuery javascript library in 3.5 introduced an error in the jQuery UI Datepicker widget we have bundled. In 1.0.3, we’re eliminating the redundancy of this external library. WordPress now ships with the datapicker functionality, so we’re going to be using that moving forward.
* Fixed “Add featured image” and “Remove featured image” text being replaced by “Set banner ad image” and “Remove banner ad image” on non-ad post types
* Moved theme_support call to after_setup_theme hook