AdSanity – Custom Ad Sizes – Version – 1.6

= 1.6 =
* New: Admin notifications showing the result of the save action.
* Update: We’ve updated our software update library to be more compatible with PHP 8+.
* Update: Modernized the entire codebase to be more compatible with newer WordPress versions.
* Update: Security enhancements during form submissions and admin page output.
* Update: Revamped our build tools to provide smaller and faster loading files on the front and back end.
* New: AdSanity – Custom Ad Sizes is now fully translation ready. If you would like to contribute a translation, we’d love to give you credit.
* Fix: Corrects the URL used for the dynamci CSS file for sites that use WordPress in a sub-folder.
* Fix: Always output the dynamic css file as text/css to avoid mime type errors.