== Changelog ==
= 1.0 =
* The first release!
= 1.1 =
* IMPORTANT: The update for this version requires that you have a minimum version of 1.2.1 for AdSanity Core. If you don’t have that version, you will lose access to your Reports section in AdSanity!
* New: Notice on Reports screens indicating that stats are not displayed in real time due to Google’s APIs
* New: Compatibility for upcoming add-on
* Update: Better detection of changes in MonsterInsights activation/deactivation
* Update: Better user experience for activation when MonsterInsights is present
* Update: Better handling of role exclusion settings in conjunction with MonsterInsights
* Fix: Issue with role checking that caused errors to be sent to the error log (props @chriscct7)
* Fix: Removed error notice on re-authentication when there was no error
= 1.2 =
* New: Adds click charts to custom reports