AdSanity – Rotating Ad Widget – Version – 1.6.1

Stable tag: 1.6.1
License: GPLv2 or later
Add-on to AdSanity that allows self-hosted ads to rotate on screen.
== Description ==
Add-on to AdSanity that allows self-hosted ads to rotate on screen.
,= 1.6.1 =
* Fix: Correctly tracks views using the new gtag implementation of tracking in the Google Analytics Tracking Integration add-on
== Frequently Asked Questions ==
= Why aren’t my ads being displayed? =
The Rotating Ad Widget defaults to only working with self-hosted ads. A likely cause of nothing showing up on your website is that all of the ads in the selected group are external ads. If you’re confident that your ad network supports ad rotation, there is a setting you can enable to allow network ads to work.