Connections Business Directory Extension – CSV Import – Version...

= 2.2.1 04/26/2021 =
* TWEAK: Remove deprecated WP page heading icon div.
* TWEAK: Remove use of deprecated methods.
* TWEAK: Do strict type check when processing fieldset data.
= 2.2 12/17/2019 =
* NEW: Introduce the `cncsv_import_entry_data` action.
* NEW: Introduce the `cncsv_import_entry_data_processed` action.
* NEW: Introduce the `cncsv_import_valid_types` filter.,= 2.0.2 01/02/2019 =
* TWEAK: Add check for `ForceUTF8` library before applying it to the CSV file.
* BUG: Correct text domain.
* I18N: Update POT file.
= 2.0.1 10/16/2018 =
* TWEAK: Attempt to force supplied data to UTF8.
* DEV: phpDoc correction.
,= 1.4.1 12/12/2016 =
* TWEAK: Defer updating the category counts when importing a batch of entries.
* BUG: Correct option name to retrieve the default category ID.
* OTHER: Correct misspelling.
= 1.4 07/14/2016 =
* FEATURE: Support importing the link title attribute.
* FEATURE: Support the importing of the viability status for address, phone, email, IM, social, link and date fields.
* FEATURE: Support the auto mapping of fields from CSV file exports of the core Connections Tools.,= 1.1 06/12/2014 =
* FEATURE: Add in-admin update support.
* FEATURE: Add basic updating support.
* BUG: Fix a couple minor documentation issues.
* TWEAK: Remove class.upload.php dependency; use core WP functions instead.
* TWEAK: Update plugin header text.
* OTHER: Add `cncsv_import_fields` action to allow plugins to import meta data.
* OTHER: Define version using class constant instead of global constant.
* OTHER: Remove unused/commented out JavaScript code.