Connections Business Directory Extension – Widget Pack – Version...

= 2.13 08/25/2023 =
* TWEAK: Add class property to template class objects to prevent “Creation of dynamic property” PHP notices.
* TWEAK: Add the Pad Counts option to the Categories Widget.
= 2.12 04/07/2023 =
* NEW: Introduce the `Connections_Directory/Widget_Pack/Widget/Category/Use_Fragment_Cache` filter.
* TWEAK: Change placement of the add/remove filter for `cn_term_list_class` when rendering the Categories widget.
* TWEAK: Make the callback for the `cn_term_list_class` filter a closure.
* BUG: Ensure term count are padded when displaying the category counts.,= 1.2 09/18/2013 =
* TWEAK: Force links in the widgets to resolve to the directory home page.
= 1.1.2 08/25/2013 =
* BUG: Fix grammar.
= 1.1.1 07/25/2013 =
* BUG: Remove stray debug code.
,= 1.1 07/24/2013 =
* Add Dutch translation.
= 1.0.1 07/17/2013 =
* Remove the page_link filter from the search widget so it’ll search the entire directory when on a directory page.
* Move the changelog.txt file.
= 1.0 10/1/2012 =
* Initial Release