Easy Digital Downloads – Checkout Fields Manager – Version...

* New: Reformatted changelog
* New: (and unbelievably if you consider all that’s above this), CFM is now 2,200 lines of code shorter than previous versions (less places for bugs to be).
* Fixed: Checkout formbuilder now does not show in the network panel of an MS site
* Fixed: All text fields now use the edd-input class for consistent styling
* Fixed: Undefined index errors with some of the fields
* Fixed: There is now no way to bypass a required checkbox field
* Fixed: A console.log which was accidentily left in a JS file has been removed
* Tweak: The “Do Action” field is now called “Action Hook”

= 1.2.1, December 16, 2015 =
* Fixed: a conflict with WordPress 4.4

= 1.2: September 30, 2015 =
* New: an option to make first name optional
* Fixed: an issue with required fields not being passed to EDD checkout properly

= 1.1.6: August 21, 2015 =