Stable tag: 2.2
Adds a fully featured reviewing system for Easy Digital Downloads.
== Description ==,= 2.2: October 26, 2021 =
* Notice: Minimum PHP version set to 5.6.
* New: Added a block for embedding a review in the block editor.
* New: Added an option to customize the order reviews appear. (Newest first or oldest first.)
* New: Added an option to change the number of reviews shown per page on the admin table.,= 2.1.14: September 29, 2021 =
* Modified templates: `shortcode-vendor-feedback.php`
* Dev: Compatibility with EDD 3.0.
* EDD 3.0: Update reports to use new 3.0 API.
,= 2.1.13: August 18, 2021 =
* Fix: Undefined index error when replying to a comment via the admin page.
* Fix: Prevent unnecessary queries from running on every page.
* Fix: Star ratings not displaying on front-end if CSS is disabled.
,= 2.1.12: November 16, 2020 =
* Improvement: Prevent guests from submitting replies to reviews to help cut down on spam.
* Improvement: Refactor code to better follow WordPress coding standards.
* Fix: EDD Reviews widget showing unapproved reviews.
* Fix: Duplicate `edd_reviews_average_rating` post meta keys per download.,= 2.1.11: April 9, 2020 =
* Fix: Ensure custom code snippets cannot cause undefined index errors in the `
* Fix: Enable review request emails to be sent when `now` is the selected time period
* Fix: Compare version and only show admin notification for upgrade with outdated versions.
* Fix: Verify that orders are complete or published before request review emails sent