version 4.27.2 ( updated 10-01-2024 )
– Updated Magnific Popup library to v1.2.0.
– Fixed a bug where image IDs were not replace correctly during import in some cases with the Gallery module.
– Fixed incorrect payload sent when using Divi AI Image Editor particularly w/ the Enhance endpoint.
– Fixed the issue where the image was not appearing on the AI Preview modal when using the Generate Content With AI option in the Blurb and Person Module.
– Added link option group in heading module.
– Fixed an issue where the color picker did not open automatically after selecting the “custom” color option in the dropdown menu.
– Fixed the problem of the page getting refreshed to the previous state after clicking on Generate a new site.
– Fixed the issue where cart, checkout, and my account pages were not being included in the WooCommerce package during website setup.