EventOn – WordPress Event Calendar Plugin – Version –...

= 4.6 (2024-3-13) =
ADDED: quick edit to have timezone field
ADDED: upto 2 images for location
ADDED: location image over details in interactive way
ADDED: new EVO_Cal_Shortcode() class for processing shortcodes within calendar,= 3.1.3 (2021-4-6) =
ADDED: basic text area field as custom meta field for event data
FIXED: minor style changes
FIXED: year long events not showing correctly
FIXED: repeat events set for sunday not working,= 2.6.8 (2018-4-6) =
ADDED: new template class
ADDED: js handlebars library
FIXED: missing event start and end time from schema data
FIXED: repeats day of the week selection to match wp settings,= 2.4.6 (2016-9-5) =
FIXED: Mousewheel missing script error
FIXED: last of month repeat not saving correct date
FIXED: Single events page event card translation not working
FIXED: Jump Months names not translating with eventon system,UPDATED: font awesome fonts library to version 4.6.2
= 2.3.21 (2016-4-19) =
ADDED: show more events button be able to redirect to a link
ADDED: Terrain option for google maps,= 2.2.13 (2014-6-16) =
FIXED: Option for adding dynamic styles to inline page when dynamic styles are not saved
FIXED: featured image on eventTop not showing
FIXED: shortcode generator not opening from wysiwyg editor button
FIXED: eventtop styles and HTML that usually get overridden by theme styles,= 2.2.12 (2014-6-1) =
ADDED: yes no buttons to be translatable via I18n
ADDED: the ability to select start or end date for past event cut off
ADDED: option to limit remote server checks option if eventon wp-admin pages are loading slow due to remote server checks
ADDED: Addon license activation system