Give – CCAvenue Gateway – Version – 1.0.4

Stable tag: 1.0.4
License: GPLv3
License URI:
CCAvenuey Gateway Add-on for Give.
== Description ==
This plugin requires the Give plugin activated to function properly. When activated, it adds a payment gateway for,= 1.0.4: November 28th, 2018 =
* Fix: Resolved encryption issue with CCAvenue API rejecting donation payments due to method used for PHP 7.2 compatibility.
= 1.0.3: November 13th, 2018 =
* Fix: Added compability for PHP 7.1 and 7.2 to the CCAvenue SDK.
* Fix: Ensure the CCAvenue phone number field displays only for CCAvenue.
* Fix: Save and display the CCAvenue phone number field within the donation payment details.
* Tweak: Merged the custom gateway label into Give’s core settings field.
* Tweak: Plugin will now check dependecies and fail gracefully with a notice if not met.