Give – Stripe Gateway – Version – 2.5.0

= 2.5.0: August 31st, 2022 =
* Changed: Updated all gateways for better stability and future versions of GiveWP
= 2.4.1: November 4th, 2021 =
* Fix: Fixed failing Plaid donations by correcting Stripe SDK usage as the SDK was updated in GiveWP 2.16.0
= 2.4.0: August 19th, 2021 =
* New: Added support for the new Stripe account management UI introduced in GiveWP 2.13.0
* Fix: Fixed Apple Pay and Google Pay on subdirectory multisites,* Important: This update requires GiveWP 2.5.0+ and the latest versions of add-ons to work properly. Please perform a site backup and ensure you have activated your license keys to ensure your add-ons update properly before updating.
* New: Added support for Stripe in GiveWP Core.
* New: Added a settings section to provide information about the Stripe webhook status.
* New: The “Company Name” field, if used, is now sent to Stripe as meta information.
* New: The Stripe API version has been updated to `2019-05-16`. Please test your integrations accordingly.
* New: The add-on now uses the “Payment Intents” feature for all donation processing. This is to ensure that we are using the recommend API from Stripe and paves the way for 3DS and Stripe Checkout version 2.0 in the near future.
* Fix: An AJAX response error response error would occur in certain configurations when multiple donation forms are on the same page.
= 2.1.8: April 12th, 2019 =