Give – Zapier – Version – 1.3.1

= 1.3.1: September 16th, 2020 =
* New: Added a setting and support for logging Zapier events and errors. This is not turned on by default, so if you would like to use it please enable it within the add-on’s settings. Note: Zapier also logs so if you’re troubleshooting you can use both logs to help troubleshoot any issues.

= 1.3.0: January 29th, 2020 =
* New: Updated how Zaps are processed so that they are more reliable on websites processing many donations. We moved away from using WP Cron to using a background processing utility that is more reliable.

= 1.2.3: July 25th, 2019 =
* Fix: There was an issue with connecting to Zapier if you did not have the Recurring Donations add-on activated. This is because Zapier was expecting a response from the newly created “Subscription Completed” trigger added in the previous version. This fix now allows all users with or without Recurring Donations active to connect to Zapier.