### 2.9.9 | 2024-08-12
– Added a new workflow step for the PayPal Checkout add-on. Requires version 3.5.0 of the PayPal Checkout Add-On or later.
### 2.9.8 | 2024-07-11
– Added the [gravityflow_approval_assignee_status_types] filter to allow customization of the available approval step statuses.
– Added the [gravityflow_approval_assignee_status_feedback] filter to allow for a custom feedback message for custom approval step statuses.
– Fixed an issue where editable Hidden type fields aren’t displayed on the Approval or User Input steps.
– Fixed an issue with the date picker not showing up on the step schedule and expiration fields if “date” is used instead of “delay”.
– Fixed an issue where a fatal error can occur when using Gravity Kit extensions without GravityView enabled.