Gravity Forms – HubSpot – Version – 1.9

### 1.9 | 2023-04-06
– Added support for async (background) feed processing to improve form submission performance.
– Fixed an issue where auth token refresh requests continue to occur after the app is uninstalled from within the connected HubSpot account.
– Fixed an issue where unnecessary auth token refresh requests can occur during feed processing.
– Fixed an issue where the connect button is displayed on the settings page when API requests are being rate limited.
– Fixed an issue that causes the API to initialize on all front-end pages containing forms and all admin pages.
– Fixed an issue where multiple auth token refresh requests can occur around the same time.
– Fixed an issue where HubSpot forms are recreated when reconnecting to the same HubSpot account.
– Fixed a fatal error that can occur when attempting to reconnect the add-on during an API outage.