Gravity Forms – PayPal Commerce Platform Add-On – Version...

### 3.2.0 | 2024-04-16
– Added support for the http_request_timeout filter when calling the expected $request_url.
– Fixed an issue where PayPal additional payment buttons aren’t displayed in conversational forms (requires Conversational Forms version 1.3 or later).
– Fixed an issue where subscription feeds do not work when the form is embedded using the function call or the shortcode.
– Removed support for the ‘SOFORT’ payment method which PayPal is no longer supporting as of 4/18/24.
### 3.1.0 | 2024-03-21
– Fixed an issue where the field label’s required legend is always displayed in the form editor on initial page load.
– Fixed an issue where the field label’s required legend is not using the form’s required field indicator setting.