Gravity Forms – PayPal Commerce Platform Add-On – Version...

### 3.3.0 | 2024-04-18
– Fixed an issue where feed processing can fail if the connected PayPal account is changed after a feed is created.
– Fixed an issue where connecting to PayPal on the settings page fails in certain situations.
– Fixed an issue where additional payment methods might not display if there is a subscription feed active on the form.
– Fixed an issue where the PayPal field fails validation when required and hidden by a 100% coupon.
– Fixed an issue where a form validation error can occur when using the PayPal Buttons when the PayPal field is hidden by conditional logic and isn’t configured on the feed.
### 3.2.0 | 2024-04-16
– Added support for the http_request_timeout filter when calling the expected $request_url.