## 1.2 | January 14, 2025
– Removed request data from GPNF’s session cookie to avoid issues where the cookie could become overloaded preventing the page from loading. NOTE: If you have custom code that relies on the request data in the session cookie, [learn how to resolve this dependency](https://gravitywiz.com/documentation/gravity-forms-nested-forms/#how-do-i-access-the-parent-form-context-when-the-child-form-is-loading).
## 1.1.73 | January 7, 2025
– Fixed logic concerning the display of expired child forms in GravityView causing form caching issues and preventing validation errors from showing on fields.
– Removed usage of `String.prototype.gformFormat`.
,## 1.1.29
– Improved styling of Nested Form fields inside parent forms when using the Gravity Forms Theme Framework.
– Updated references to `String.prototype.format()` to use `String.prototype.gformFormat()` as the former will be removed in Gravity Forms 2.8.
## 1.1.28
– Added support for including the Nested Form fields context in AJAX requests.
– Fixed issue where the modal height would sometimes be incorrectly set after opening. This fixes an issue if using GP Limit Date’s Inline Datepicker in Nested Forms.,## 1.1.27
– Fixed PHP 8 warnings that could show when importing forms with forward slashes in the form names.
## 1.1.26
– Fixed a PHP notice due to implicit number conversion.
– Added `gpnf_template_args` filter to the `nested-entries-simple-list` template args.
,## 1.1.25
– Updated how soon we load `GFFormDisplay` to prevent errors when printing parent forms with no child entries.
– Fixed an issue where using the `index` modifier with All Fields Template would skip empty values which could cause confusing results.
– Fixed issue where forms for individual entries were not passed through the `gpnf_get_nested_form` filter for every entry which could cause choice values instead of choice labels to show in some situations when using the `{all_fields}` merge tag.
## 1.1.24
– Fixed issue where parent form was submitted instead of child form when the parent form’s “Submit Button Location” was configured to “End of last row.”,## 1.1.23
– Fixed an issue with Save & Continue not working when nested entries were spammed or deleted.
## 1.1.22
– Added bullet-proofing to ensure that child forms always have AJAX enabled.
## 1.1.21,## 1.1.20
– Updated how we ensure `GFFormDisplay` is loaded when printing entries to also prevent the error when printing with Gravity Flow and other add-ons.
– Fixed issue where “Honeypot validation” enabled for nested child forms could cause the child form submission to fail in certain cases.
## 1.1.19
– Fixed issue where runtime hashcode was not unique to the session.
– Fixed a potential fatal error that can happen when printing parent forms with Nested Form fields using Gravity Forms 2.7 or newer.,## 1.1.2
– Fixed issue where the “Row ID” field would show in `{all_fields}` and the merge tag output for Nested Forms.
## 1.1.1
– Fixed PHP error that could occur for some forms.
## 1.0.28,## 1.0-rc-1.2
– Fixed issue where jQuery UI modal was not updated to work with our new build flow.
## 1.0-rc-1.1
– Fixed issue where datepicker widget was not focusable due to focus being trapped in the Nested Form modal.
– Fixed issue where 3rd-party usage of GPNestedForms.loadEntry() would result in an error if the modal had not yet been activated.
,## 1.0.beta1.2
– Fixed issue where “Total” field did not update when nested entry was edited
## 1.0.beta1.1
– Added support for displaying all child entry values in {all_fields} merge tag (previously showed comma-delimited list of child entry IDs)
## 1.0.alpha3.3