GravityCalendar – Version – 2.5

= 2.5 on December 21, 2023 =
This release adds support for displaying multiple public calendar feeds on the same calendar and improves the performance of remote feeds.
#### 🚀 Added
– Support for showing multiple public calendar feeds on the same calendar by separating URLs with commas.
#### ✨ Improved
– Caching of remote feeds for 10 minutes to enhance performance.,* Updated: [Foundation]( to version 1.2.5
__Developer Updates:__
* Deprecated: `GravityView_Widget_Calendar::get_entries()` method
* Removed:
– `GV_Extension_Calendar_Feed::calculate_fullcalendar_plugins()` and `GV_Extension_Calendar_Feed::convert_button_to_plugin_name()` methods that was deprecated in 1.5
– `GV_Extension_Calendar_Feed::calculate_frontend_enqueues()` method that was deprecated in 1.5.1
– `gravityview/calendar/settings/search_criteria` filter that was deprecated in 1.5.7,= 2.2.5 on December 14, 2022 =
* Fixed: The plugin would display a notice requiring Gravity Forms 2.5 even if it’s already installed
* Fixed: Fatal error on some hosts that use weak security keys and salts
= 2.2.4 on December 1, 2022 =
* Fixed: It was not possible to remove an expired license key
,* Fixed: Calendar controls setting not being saved in Gravity Forms 2.5
* Fixed: Loader animation in GravityView DataTables layout
* Updated: [FullCalendar]( library was updated to v5.7 (see a [list of new features](
= 1.5 on May 13, 2021 =
* Added: Dynamic loading of events based on the date range displayed by the Calendar view
* Improved: Compatibility with Gravity Forms 2.5
* Improved: Synchronization with the GravityView DataTables layout,* Added: Compatibility with Gravity Forms 2.5
* Added: You can now use shortcodes inside the Event Title and Event Description feed settings
* Added: Integration with the [Members plugin](
* Modified: Start time will not be displayed for all-day events
* Fixed: GravityView widget not applying View settings (e.g., filter conditions) to events selected for display
* Fixed: Event tooltips not may not appear for themes or plugins using Bootstrap tooltips
* Fixed: Two-day events without start/end time would display as a one-day event
* Fixed: Scripts/styles are enqueued when their dependencies are not registered
* Fixed: Calendar preview throws an error when a feed has not yet been created