Greenshift Query and Meta Addon – Version – 5.2

== Changelog ==
= 5.0.5 =
* Added: New visibility option to check if page is Paginated (in URL Query type)
* Added: New visibility option to check by range of data of publishing. You can now show special labels for posts that are posted in last 7 days or any range
* Added: Visibility option by range of items in cart or value in cart
* Added: Repeater builder Taxonomy List data can be used now to get inner fields of current taxonomy page (enable to use Current taxonomy data option)
= 4.9.2 =
* Added: Auto detection of date archives for query block
* Added: Dynamic text has Post processor option
* Added: Dynamic Attributes
* Added: Repeater builder has JSON type for repeater data
* Added: Query Builder has source to get sister posts of current page