LearnDash – Zapier Integration – Version – 2.1.0

= 2.1.0 =

* Added first name and last name to user response
* Added create user param to toggle course access function
* Added create user param to get user and toggle group membership functions
* Added `add_to_group` and `remove_from_group` actions handler and add toggle membership helper
* Added `get_user helper` to automatically create user if it does not exist or return it if it exists
* Updated to return the last quiz result sample from the last user to get the latest quiz result possible
* Updated `get_trigger_sample` and `get_object_sample` to be more efficient
* Updated `get_response()` parser method and update respective sections accordingly
* Updated to make first and last name field not required
* Updated `get_group_field` action handler and its helpers
* Fixed add array wrapper for `get_sample` response because it is expected by Zapier
* Fixed get sample method returns wrapped response in array