MainWP – Branding Extension – Version – 4.1.4

Version: 4.1.4
Author: MainWP
Author URI:
Documentation URI:
== Installation ==
1. Please install plugin “MainWP Dashboard” and active it before install Branding Extension plugin (get the MainWP Dashboard plugin from url:
2. Upload the `mainwp-branding-extension` folder to the `/wp-content/plugins/` directory,= 4.1.4 – 10-25-2023 =
* Fixed: Addressed an uncaught TypeError related to strip_tags() where an array was passed instead of the expected string argument
* Added: Specification guidelines for Custom Logo and Custom Favicon images
* Updated: Refined spacing for a streamlined appearance on the extension settings page
* Updated: Relocated the ‘Reset Settings’ button to the right-hand side for better accessibility
* Updated: Revised the visual appearance of the file upload field
* Updated: Optimized the custom favicon display to present it in its original dimensions
* Tweaked: Refined the text within tooltips for clarity
* Tweaked: Revamped option labels for improved comprehension