* Version: 5.1
* Author: MainWP
* Author URI: https://mainwp.com
* Documentation URI: https://kb.mainwp.com/docs/mainwp-domain-monitor-extension/
* Icon URI: https://mainwp.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/12/domain-monitor.png
== Installation ==
1. Please install plugin the MainWP Dasbhoard and active it before install MainWP Domain Monitor Extension plugin (get the MainWP Dashboard plugin from url:https://mainwp.com/),= 5.1 – 11-21-2024 =
* Added: Support for MainWP REST API v2
* Updated: Reload page after closing the Domain Lookup modal
* Updated: Widget layout
* Updated: Coding standards and best practices
* Updated: General maintenance and optimization
= 5.0.3 – 7-22-2024 =
* Fixed: Typo in a tooltip on the extension page,= 4.0.3 – 5-12-2023 =
* Updated: REST API authentication process
= 4.0.2 – 3-29-2023 =
* Fixed: Issues with checking domains via CLI
* Fixed: PHP Warning
* Fixed: Multiple typos
= 4.0.1 – 6-21-2022 =