MainWP – SSL Monitor Extension – Version – 5.0

* Version: 5.0
* Author: MainWP
* Author URI:
== Installation ==
1. Please install plugin the MainWP Dasbhoard and active it before install MainWP SSL Monitor Extension plugin (get the MainWP Dashboard plugin from url:
2. Upload the `mainwp-devssl-monitor-elopment-extension` folder to the `/wp-content/plugins/` directory
3. Activate the MainWP SSL Monitor Extension plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress,= 5.0 – 2-27-2024 =
* Updated: MainWP 5.0 compatibility
= 4.0.4 – 7-3-2023 =
* Fixed: PHP Warning: Attempted to read property `valid_to` on null
= 4.0.3 – 5-19-2023 =
* Updated: The ssl_info API endpoint required parameter