Shoptimizer – Version – 2.8.5

== Changelog ==
2.8.4 – 07-03-2025
* New: Can now include below archive content on Product Tags and Product Brands listings.
* Fix: Additional checks applied to the get_rating_html function to prevent errors.
* Fix: Product thumbnails not appearing within the Admin > Products area.
* Fix: PDP lightbox z-index issues resolved.
* Fix: Legacy gallery CSS re-applied if not using the gallery block.
* Fix: Improved styling for deeply nested levels of dropdown navigation items.
* Fix: Removed shoptimizer_elementor_pro_styling function when Elementor Pro is active.
* Fix: When “Sold Individually” is set, product price now appears in the mini cart.
* Fix: Blog heading closing tag wasn’t rendering.
* Tweak: Added autoprefixation CSS rules e.g. -webkit-mask-image for older browsers.
* Tweak: Fixed ‘Clear’ button style on PDPs.
* Tweak: PLP product card images when the Imagify plugin is enabled.
* Accessibility: Added role=”button” to shopping cart link.
* Future: Work started on rebuilding WooCommerce functions behind a feature flag.