Smart Manager For WooCommerce Pro Version – Manage your...

= 8.10.0 (22.06.2023) =
* New: Tooltip for column headers
* New: Compatibility with [Customer Email Verification](
* Fix: Import CSV functionality not working in some cases
* Fix: Settings menu not clickable in some cases
* Fix: Progress modal getting hidden immediately when trying to use Undo or Delete Tasks functionality (Pro)
* Update: UI/UX improvements
* Update: POT file
,= 8.10.0 =
Tooltip for column headers, Compatibility with [Customer Email Verification](, Fixes related to Import CSV functionality not working in some cases, Settings menu not clickable in some cases, Progress modal getting hidden immediately when trying to use Undo or Delete Tasks functionality (Pro) along with other important fixes and updates. Recommended upgrade.
= 8.9.0 =
Dedicated & improved settings UI, Fixes related to Dashboard refreshing to first page when inline editing Product Gallery Images on non-first Pages, Unable to edit Product Gallery Images when editing after saving changes along with other important fixes and updates. Recommended upgrade.
= 8.8.0 =
Import CSV functionality for WooCommerce Products, Show Smart Manager button in WordPress Admin Bar, Fixes related to Dashboard not loading in some cases due to ‘sprintf already defined’ JavaScript error, Progress modal getting hidden immediately when trying to use Bulk Edit, Duplicate Records & Delete Records functionality (Pro), State management & other minor improvements for ‘Tasks’ dashboards (Pro) along with other important fixes and updates. Recommended upgrade.