Tasty Pins – Optimize your blog’s images for Pinterest,...

Stable tag: 1.9.0
License: GPLv2 or later
License URI: https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html
Tasty Pins allows you to optimize your blog’s images for Pinterest, SEO, and screenreaders.
== Description ==
Tasty Pins allows you to optimize your blog’s images for Pinterest, SEO, and screenreaders.,= 1.9.0 (March 15th, 2022) =
* Adds Tasty Pins fields to Tasty Roundups Items.
* Adds a checkbox to disable the Pinterest banner on a post.
* Uses a more modern approach to position the custom Pin It button.
* Applies hidden pins to Thrive page builder output.
* Increases the Pinterest Title limit to 100 characters.
* Applies minimum image size to the Cover Block.
* Introduces `tasty_pins_should_add_banner` filter for controlling banner display.
* Always applies `data-pin-nopin=”nopin”` to Elementor testimonial widgets.