WooCommerce – API Manager – Version – 3.2.3

– Changelog
– Documentation
– Download
– Download
– Save to Dropbox
* New: New setting that allows all download links in email, My Account dashboard, and Order Details to be removed. Emails will provide a link to the My Account dashboard. All download links will still be available from the My API Downloads section of the My Account dashboard.
* New: New setting to enter the Dropbox App Key for the Save to Dropbox link.
* New: New Documentation setting in the product editor. When a documentation page is set, this provides the Documentation link in the My API Downloads section of the My Account dashboard.
* Tweak: Refactored API Manager Theme Example code to match approach used in the Plugin example. The theme name/software title is now parsed automatically from the stylesheet Theme Name:. The theme version is now parsed automatically from the stylesheet Version:. The plugin update class now uses the parsed version rather than the last checked transient version.
* Tweak: API Manager Theme Example now contains methods and a hook to remove product data and deactivate the license key when switched to a different theme.
* Tweak: The API Manager Example Plugin update class now uses the hardcoded software version rather than the last checked transient version.
* Tweak: The API Manager Example Plugin update API library can be found in api-manager-plugin-example/classes/class-wc-plugin-update.php.
* Tweak: Improved download handling class. Check if buffer is empty before emptying. Check if file exists, before attempting to open.
* Tweak: Improved JSON API responses.
* Tweak: Improved AJAX responses.
* Tweak: Moved Helper class instance from AMHelpers() to WCAM()->helpers().
* Tweak: Load shared classes as singular on-demand instances. This approach was also applied to the example plugin also, to prevent duplicate admin messages from the APIs.