WooCommerce – Smart Coupons – Version – 9.21.0

2024.12.30 – version 9.21.0
* New: Tested up to WooCommerce 9.5.1
* New: Added Polylang compatibility for coupon restrictions with a filter ‘enable_wc_sc_polylang_compatibility’ to toggle integration (disabled by default)
* Fix: Auto generate coupons does not respect the settings for WooCommerce Subscriptions [WC Blocks]
* Fix: Auto-apply coupon not removing for WooCommerce Subscriptions product
* Fix: Auto-apply not working for coupons with attribute restrictions by ensuring accurate filtering of coupons based on product attribute IDs
* Update: Moved options & settings related to WooCommerce Subscriptions to its dedicated class
* Update: Ensure all the data are being written to CSV file at the earliest during coupon data generation
* Update: Translations