WooCommerce – URL Coupons – Version – 2.15.0

2023.05.10 – version 2.15.0
* Misc – Add compatibility for WooCommerce High Performance Order Storage (HPOS)
* Misc – Replace `FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING` deprecated in PHP 8.1 in favor of `FILTER_SANITIZE_FULL_SPECIAL_CHARS` when saving coupon options in admin
2022.12.01 – version 2.14.0,2015.09.25 – version 2.1.2
* Fix – Fix adding deferred coupons to the cart when the coupon code field is hidden
2015.09.15 – version 2.1.1
* Fix – Ensure the Redirect meta does not get cleared when updating a coupon,2015.07.28 – version 2.1.0
* Fix – Page Redirect select value displaying the wrong page in the admin
* Misc – WooCommerce 2.4 Compatibility
2015.07.20 – version 2.0.1,2015.05.21 – version 2.0.0
* Feature – Added an option to defer applying the URL coupons until the customer’s cart meets the coupon’s requirements
* Feature – No more page redirect limits! You can select a post category/tag, or product category/tag to redirect to.
* Feature – When viewing the Coupon list in the admin, you can now see the unique URL slug for each coupon
* Tweak – Improved redirects to product pages,2015.04.21 – version 1.3.2
* Fix – Potential XSS with add_query_arg
2015.03.20 – version 1.3.1
* Fix – Corrects validation of URL coupons that have a minimum amount set,2015.02.09 – version 1.3.0
* Misc – WooCommerce 2.3 Compatibility
2014.01.20 – version 1.2.3
* Fix – Fix situations where URL coupons couldn’t be applied if the visitor had not added an item to the cart first