WooCommerce – Zapier Integration – Version – 2.7.3

2023-08-22 – version 2.7.3
* Other: Announcement: https://om4.io/blog/woocommerce-zapier-2-7-3-maintenance-release/
* Fix: Ensure “Order Updated” trigger rule does not trigger when trashing an order on WooCommerce 8.0 with HPOS enabled and HPOS sync enabled. PR #636
* Change: Improve performance by adding a new INDEX to the Zapier Task History database table. PR #652
* Update: Compatibility with WooCommerce 8.0. PR #636
* Update: Marked as compatible with WooCommerce Subscriptions v5.4. PR #636
* Update: Marked as compatible with WooCommerce Bookings v2.0.x. PR #636
2023-08-01 – version 2.7.2