YouTube Feed Pro – Version – 2.1

= 2.1 =
* New: Your video players will now feature an attractive subscribe bar. Clicking the subscribe button on the bar will link your visitors to your YouTube page where they will be prompted to subscribe to your channel. Disable this by going to the customizer Videos->Video Player Experience->Subscribe Link setting
* New: Single video posts can now have the video thumbnail for the related YouTube video set as the featured image. Visit the settings page and go to the “Single Videos” tab to enable this feature.
* New: Add a video duration counter to the bottom right of video thumbnails to let visitors know how long the runtime of the video is. Enable this by opening the feed customizer, finding “Videos” -> “Edit Individual Elements” and enabling “Video Duration”.
* Tweak: Connecting your YouTube account will now take you to first to improve the reliability of this process.
= 2.0.7 =
* Fix: Fixed a compatibility issue with the Complianz Cookie Consent plugin integration.
* Fix: When Social Wall was active the About Us and Support links would not work.,= 1.2.1 =
* Tweak: Added an HTML class “sby_current” to the currently playing thumbnail when using the gallery layout. Selecting a video will continue to show the hover information.
* Tweak: Centered the video title for the related videos end of action feature.
= 1.2 =
* New: Added compatibility with our new [Social Wall]( plugin, which allows you to combine feeds from Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube into one social media “wall”. If you are using our Smash Balloon All-Access Bundle then the Social Wall plugin is included at no additional cost. Just log into your account to download and install the plugin.
= 1.1.4 =
* Tweak: Added noticed explaining the account connection and what it can and can’t be used for when connecting an account.