Admin Columns Pro – Meta Box

Current Version: 1.3
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Integrate Admin Columns Pro with the Meta Box Plugin and Supercharges Admin Columns Pro with columns for Meta Box. Admin Columns Pro – Meta Box is a Premium Wordpress Plugin developed by Admin Columns.

Integrate Admin Columns Pro with the Meta Box Plugin and Supercharges Admin Columns Pro with columns for Meta Box.

"Meta Box" plugin is one of the major plugins to manage Custom Fields on WordPress websites. With the Meta Box integration for Admin Columns Pro, you’ll be able to customize the WordPress list tables for any post type, user or taxonomy by adding columns for the fields defined in your meta boxes. And with the power of the Admin Columns pro features, you’ll be able to easily search, edit, sort and export your data right from the overview pages.


Search Meta Box content on the list table Quick Edit Meta Box data Export Meta Box fields to CSV Support for Meta Box extensions Custom Table Support Display any Meta Box field on any list table Find, Filter & Sort all your Meta Box data Inline edit Meta Box data right from the list table Bulk edit your Meta Box data Export Meta Box data to CSV Create multiple views for the same table Works for any post, page or custom post type Also works on users, comment, and taxonomy list tables
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