AffiliateWP – Affiliate Forms For Gravity Forms

Current Version: 1.2.1
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Create an affiliate registration form using Gravity Forms. AffiliateWP – Affiliate Forms For Gravity Forms is a Premium Wordpress Plugin developed by Sandhills Development.

Create an affiliate registration form using Gravity Forms.

This add-on requires the Gravity Forms plugin. Affiliate Forms for Gravity Forms makes it exceptionally easy to create a custom registration form for your affiliates using the popular WordPress form plugin, Gravity Forms.

Add any field to your affiliate registration form

Use  any of the default fields provided by Gravity  Forms, or the 3  new field types added to the new €œAffiliateWP Fields € group. As you'd expect with Gravity Forms, you can drag and drop fields to re-order, make fields required, and label them however you'd like.

Create a simple affiliate registration form

Only the email field is required to create your affiliate registration form. If no username field is added, the affiliate's WordPress username is  automatically created from their email address. If no password field is added, a password is automatically generated for the affiliate and emailed to them.

Create an advanced affiliate registration form

Create custom email tags for AffiliateWP emails

By enabling the €œCreate AffiliateWP email tag €  checkbox, a new email tag will automatically be created which you can use in any of AffiliateWP's emails.

See form submission data on the review affiliate screen

If you require affiliate approval, everything that the affiliate has submitted will be shown to you when reviewing their application.

View an affiliate's  registration submission at any time

Once an affiliate has registered, their original submission can be viewed at any time from the Affiliates †’ Edit Affiliate screen.

Add affiliates to your mailing list when they register

Using the mailing list  add-ons available for Gravity Forms  you can  send your affiliates to your mailing list.
Select from membership option below. If you need more info, read the benifits & details of getting a membership, or feel free to ask pre-sales questions