Easy Digital Downloads – EU VAT (By Barn2 Media)

Current Version: 1.6.0
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Adds EU VAT support to Easy Digital Downloads. Easy Digital Downloads – EU VAT (By Barn2 Media) is a Premium Wordpress Plugin developed by Barn2 Media.

Adds EU VAT support to Easy Digital Downloads.

Easy Digital Downloads EU VAT is a WordPress plugin that allows any EDD store to meet European VAT law. Wherever you're based, if you sell digital products to customers in the EU then your Easy Digital Downloads store must meet EU VAT rules. It's the law!

Collect EU VAT

Charges the correct VAT on sales to each EU countryValidates and stores customers' VAT numbersRemoves and reverse-charges VAT on B2B sales

Compiles Customer Location Evidence

Works with EDD to store multiple location evidenceCollects and displays the postal and IP addressEasy to check and export evidence, ready for audit

Easy VAT Reporting Invoicing

Adds EU tax data to EDD payment confirmationsWorks with EDD payments, emails & PDF invoicesExport instant reports for the MOSS tax return & EC Sales List
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