Posts Table Pro (By Barn2 Media)

Current Version: 3.3.1
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Display your site's posts, pages, and custom post types in a sortable, searchable and filterable data table. A WordPress table plugin to list website content in a searchable & sortable table. Display posts, pages, documents, products, custom post types, taxonomies, custom fields, images, video & more. Posts Table Pro (By Barn2 Media) is a Premium Wordpress Plugin developed by Barn2 Media.

Display your site's posts, pages, and custom post types in a sortable, searchable and filterable data table. A WordPress table plugin to list website content in a searchable & sortable table. Display posts, pages, documents, products, custom post types, taxonomies, custom fields, images, video & more.

The ultimate WordPress table plugin to create instant tables of your website content. Perfect for document libraries, directories, books, music, video, events. The most advanced dynamic WordPress table plugin on the market, Posts Table Pro comes with over 50 features.

Custom post type support

Use our WordPress sortable table plugin to create tables listing your WordPress posts, pages, products, or any other custom post type registered by your theme or plugins.

Custom fields and taxonomies

Add any custom field or custom taxonomy to your posts table. You can even restrict data to posts with certain field values or terms.

Advanced Custom Fields Support

Fully integrated with the Advanced Custom Fields plugin so you can display all your custom data for any post type.

Featured images

With support for featured images you can display your post thumbnails at any size and in any column.

Media files

Includes full support for WordPress media embeds, including audio and video galleries or media playlists.

Lazy load option

For larger data sets, you can enable AJAX to load your posts one page at a time to reduce server load.

Easy sorting

Use this WordPress sortable table plugin by clicking the column heading to sort your posts. Or choose default ordering and sort direction via the shortcode.

Instant Search

Enter your keywords in the search box and the results update instantly. Enable 'click to search' to turn links into instant search queries.

100% responsive

On mobiles, columns automatically 'fold' and can be expanded to show the data. You can choose which columns take priority with our WordPress responsive table plugin.

Fine grained control

Choose posts by category, tag, ID, post type, status, date, author or custom field value. Exclude posts by category or post ID.

Plugin and theme support

Designed to work with popular plugins such as WooCommerce and WPML, and styled to work with any WordPress theme.

Hugely flexible

Configure the tables to suit your needs: set column widths, default ordering, number or rows per page, exclude post IDs, and more!
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