X Docs Wordpress Product Documentation Creator

Current Version: 1.0.8
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Create awesome documentation for your product using xdocs and export them to html or pdf formats. X Docs Wordpress Product Documentation Creator is a Premium Wordpress Plugin developed by xvelopers.

Create awesome documentation for your product using xdocs and export them to html or pdf formats.

If you are selling digital product on envato or anyother marketplace. Creating documentation is very boring process. XDocs is WordPress plugin to create product offline and online docs. You can create as many docs as you want by just using simple post and you can also download this document with same theme. XDocs is using its own theme system so you don't have to install any extra WordPress or any theme. XDocs demo is actually plugin's documentation which is created using XDocs. Create Documents with ease just like a Wordpress Post nothing fancy


Bootstrap Based Templates Bootrstap Shortcodes Ready Custom themes API Prism SyntaxHighligter Create Multiple Documents Export/ Download HTML Document Note PDF converison may not work properly for other languages.
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