Connections Business Directory Enhanced Categories is an extension for Connections Business Directory which adds advanced features to the categories. Connections Business Directory Extension – Enhanced Categories is a Premium Wordpress Plugin developed by Steven A. Zahm.
Connections Business Directory Enhanced Categories is an extension for Connections Business Directory which adds advanced features to the categories.
- Category Featured Images
- Category Breadcrumbs
- Display categories before the directory with the following options:
- The depth of number of category children (descendants) to display from the hierarchy.
- Whether or not to only display the category children when viewing a category.
- You can choose to display the category count (the number of entries assigned to a category).
- You can optionally choose to display or hide empty categories (categories which have no entries assigned to them).
- Display the categories as a featured image grid or a multiple column list which are responsive theme friendly.
- In templates which can display the categories assigned to the entry, such as the Default Entry Card and cMap , the categories can made to be links with the following options:
- Selectable display style. Choose between an inline list or a vertical list.
- Choose whether or not to display the category’s parents (ancestors).
- Configurable category separator and parent category separator.