AnyWhere Elementor Pro

Current Version: 2.28.1
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Extends the Elementor Plugin and give you the power to design global layouts for Posts, Pages, CPT, Taxonomy archives, WooCommerce Product page, shop page, product category page etc. AnyWhere Elementor Pro is a Premium Wordpress Plugin developed by WebTechStreet.

Extends the Elementor Plugin and give you the power to design global layouts for Posts, Pages, CPT, Taxonomy archives, WooCommerce Product page, shop page, product category page etc.

Supported Themes: GeneratePress, OceanWP.


  • Create multiple post layout. You can apply a layout to all posts globally or select individually for each post.
  • Complete control over placement of tiny elements of a post. Individual widgets for Post Title, Post content, Post Image, Post Meta (Category, Tags, Date, Author)
  • Multiple layouts for archive page. You can override individual post item blocks on archive pages (Category, Tags & Custom Taxonomy Archives)
  • Create different layouts for each taxonomy type
  • Global layouts to place anywhere using shortcodes.
  • GeneratePress & OceanWP hooks support. Create a global template and place it on hook position by simply selecting position from dropdown list. No need to write shortcode anywhere.
  • WooCommerce Category & Single page product layouts
  • 404 and Search page layouts (coming soon)
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