Event Espresso – Infusionsoft Integration

Current Version: 2.2.5.p
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Infusionsoft for Event Espresso will transfer contact and transaction information to Infusionsoft during registration checkout. Event Espresso – Infusionsoft Integration is a Premium Wordpress Plugin developed by Event Espresso.

Infusionsoft for Event Espresso will transfer contact and transaction information to Infusionsoft during registration checkout.

Infusionsoft is also available as an on-site payment method for Event Espresso for accepting credit and debit cards and is available to event organizers in several countries. An account with Infusionsoft is required.

Transfer attendee information to Infusionsoft after an event registration. Event organizers choose Event Espresso for accepting event registrations for conferences, classes, workshops, seminars, and more. Connect Infusionsoft with Event Espresso, so your attendees are automatically transferred to Infusionsoft as their registrations are completed.
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