ForumWP – Plus Modules

Current Version: 1.0.1
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Add ForumWP Plus Modules to your forum built with ForumWP plugin. ForumWP – Plus Modules is a Premium Wordpress Plugin developed by Ultimate Member Group.

Add ForumWP Plus Modules to your forum built with ForumWP plugin.

Module: Post moderation The post moderation module allows you to set new topics and replies as pending rather than being auto-approved. When set to pending, forum moderators and site administrators will receive an email that a new topic/reply is awaiting moderation. Forum moderators can then review the topic/reply and choose whether to accept or reject the topic/reply. Once a topic/reply has been approved or rejected the user who created the topic/reply will receive an email letting them know if it has been approved or rejected. All emails for the post moderation module are optional and can be disabled via the email tab in ForumWP settings. Module: Solved The solved module allows forum moderators to mark a topic as solved. When a topic is marked as solved a green check icon will appear next to the topic. Topics can be marked as solved from the front-end and via the wp-admin. This module is useful for a question and answer type forums such as a support forum. Module: Votes The vote module adds a vote system to your forum allowing users to vote on topics and replies. You can choose to use an upvote only system or allow for both upvoting and downvoting. Vote icons are shown on each topic/reply along with the current vote count. If a logged out user clicks the vote icon, it will show a login modal prompting them to login before voting on the topic/reply. Module: Private replies Allow replies to be set to private. When a reply is set to private only the user who replied, the original topic creator and forum moderators can see the reply. All other users will not be able to see the reply.
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