GamiPress – Coupons

Current Version: 1.1.2
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Create coupons that users can redeem for points, achievements and/or ranks. GamiPress – Coupons is a Premium Wordpress Plugin developed by GamiPress.

Create coupons that users can redeem for points, achievements and/or ranks.

Coupons gives you the ability to bring to your users the possibility to redeem coupon codes to earn points, achievements and/or ranks.

In just a few minutes, you will be able to place coupon redemption forms around your site and award your users when redeem them.

Coupons extends and expands GamiPress adding new activity events and features.

New Events

  • Redeem a coupon When an user redeems a coupon.
  • Redeem a coupon with a minimum amount of points When an user redeems a coupon with a minimum amount of the desired points type.
  • Redeem a coupon with an achievement When an user redeems a coupon with any achievement of the desired achievement type.
  • Redeem a coupon with a specific achievement When an user redeems a coupon with a specific achievement.
  • Redeem a coupon with a rank When an user redeems a coupon with the any rank of desired rank type.
  • Redeem a coupon with a specific rank When an user redeems a coupon with a specific rank.


  • Ability to set unlimited rewards for a simple coupon.
  • Make time limited coupons setting the start and end dates.
  • Ability to limit the total number of uses of a coupon.
  • Ability to limit the maximum number of uses of a coupon per user.
  • Restrict the coupon redemption to a specific users and/or roles.
  • Exclude users and/or roles to be able to redeem the coupon.
  • All coupons redemption will be registered on logs.
  • Shortcode to place a coupon redemption form anywhere (with support to GamiPress live shortcode embedder).
  • Widget to place a coupon redemption form on any sidebar.
Select from membership option below. If you need more info, read the benifits & details of getting a membership, or feel free to ask pre-sales questions