GamiPress – Frontend Awards

Current Version: 1.0.2
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GamiPress - Frontend Awards extension allows your users to award points, achievements or ranks at frontend. GamiPress – Frontend Awards is a Premium Wordpress Plugin developed by GamiPress.

GamiPress - Frontend Awards extension allows your users to award points, achievements or ranks at frontend.


Frontend Awards gives you the ability to bring to your users the possibility to award other users with points, achievements or ranks at frontend. For example, if you have an e-learning site, your instructors can award to their students, or if you have a community site, your moderators can award to other users with a lower role. You can place the forms and restrict their visibility to the user roles of your choice and also restrict the user selection to the roles you want. In just a few minutes, you will be able to place frontend award forms around your site and bring new tools to your users. Frontend Awards extends and expands GamiPress adding new activity events and features.


New Events

  • New award When a user makes a new award.
  • Award a minimum amount of points When a user frontend awards a minimum amount of the desired points type.
  • Award an achievement When a user frontend awards any achievement of the desired achievement type.
  • Award a specific achievement When a user frontend awards a specific achievement.
  • Award a rank When a user frontend awards any rank of desired rank type.
  • Award a specific rank When a user frontend awards a specific rank.
  • Receive a frontend award When a user receives a new frontend award.
  • Receive a frontend award with a minimum amount of points When a user receives a frontend award with a minimum amount of the desired points type.
  • Receive a frontend award with an achievement When a user receives a frontend award with any achievement of the desired achievement type.
  • Receive a frontend award with a specific achievement When a user receives a frontend award with a specific achievement.
  • Receive a frontend award with a rank When a user receives a frontend award with any rank of desired rank type.
  • Receive a frontend award with a specific rank When a user receives a frontend award with a specific rank.



  • Place frontend awards forms to let users award anything.
  • Options to make frontend awards forms accessible to the user roles of your choice.
  • Set the award recipient or let user input the recipient (with support for auto-complete).
  • Set the achievement or rank to award or let user choose which to award.
  • Frontend awards history with details of each award.
  • Settings to auto-approve awards or keep them pending for approval.
  • Easily editable awards with support for team notes.
  • Ability to revoke awards and restore awarded items.
  • Support for WordPress privacy tools.


Frontend Awards Forms

  • Points To let your users award a desired amount of points.
  • Achievement To let your users award any achievement.
  • Rank To let your users award any rank.


Points Award Forms

  • Fixed Amount Users will be able to award a predefined amount of points.
  • Custom Amount Users will be able to set a custom amount of points to award.
  • Options Users will be able to choose between a predefined amount of points to award.


Other Features

  • Integrated with the official add-ons that add new content to achievements and ranks.
  • Shortcodes to place any award form anywhere (with support to GamiPress live shortcode embedder).
  • Widgets to place any award fo
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