GamiPress – Leaderboards

Current Version: 1.4.9
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Add leaderboards to intensify the gamification of your site. GamiPress – Leaderboards is a Premium Wordpress Plugin developed by GamiPress.

Add leaderboards to intensify the gamification of your site.

Leaderboards gives you the ability to easily create, configure and add leaderboards on your website.

Place any leaderboard anywhere, including in-line on any page or post, using a simple shortcode, or on any sidebar through a configurable widget.

Also, this add-on adds new features to extend and expand the functionality of GamiPress.


  • Ability to create as many leaderboards as you like.
  • Ability to configure the metrics by which users should be ranked (the user rank, the points types and/or the number of earned achievements).
  • Filter the leaderboard by a set of predefined time periods (today, yesterday, current week/month/year and past week/month/year).
  • Configure a custom time period to filter the leaderboard on a range of dates you want.
  • Ability to configure the display options for each single leaderboard.
  • Drag and drop options to reorder the leaderboard columns.
  • Displayed leaderboards can be filtered and sorted without refresh the page.
  • Configurable lazy loading feature for large leaderboards.
  • Shortcode to place any leaderboard anywhere (with support to GamiPress live shortcode embedder).
  • Widget to place any leaderboard on any sidebar.
  • Shortcode and widget to show user’s position on a specific leaderboard.
  • Ability to setup leaderboard results cache to improve loading time speed on large leaderboards.
  • Ability to hide website administrators from the leaderboard.

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