GamiPress – Nominations

Current Version: 1.1.4
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Allow users to nominate others to unlock achievements and ranks. GamiPress – Nominations is a Premium Wordpress Plugin developed by GamiPress.

Allow users to nominate others to unlock achievements and ranks.

Nominations lets you bring to your users the ability to nominate any other user to unlock achievements and rank through a form.

A user nomination can be approved automatically after reach a minimum number of votes or a website administrators can review to approve or reject it

In just a few minutes, you will be able to place nomination forms around your site and add an awesome vote feature to unlock any achievement and rank.

In addition, this add-on includes the ability to enable notes with the nomination form where users can explain why his nominee should earn it and an administrative screen to manage all nominations stored.

New Events

  • Nominate someone for an achievement When user nominates someone for an achievement
  • Nominate someone for a specific achievement When user nominates someone for a specific achievement
  • Get nominated for an achievement When user gets nominated for an achievement
  • Get nominated for a specific achievement When user gets nominated for a specific achievement
  • Nominate someone for a rank When user nominates someone for a rank
  • Nominate someone for a specific rank When user nominates someone for a specific rank
  • Get nominated for a rank When user gets nominated for a rank
  • Get nominated for a specific rank When user gets nominated for a specific rank


  • Enable achievements or ranks of your choice to be unlocked through nominations.
  • Optionally, you can enable a notes field to let users provide an explanation with the nomination.
  • Ability to enable nomination auto-approval (based on number of votes) or admin-reviewed only.
  • Completely configurable user dropdown where you can setup the display of the user as well as the roles allowed.
  • Limit the maximum number of different nominations a user can perform per item.
  • Settings to configure the nomination form texts.
  • Administrative screen to approve or reject any nomination.
  • Ability to revoke already approved nominations and restore the user awards.
  • Admin emails to get notified about any new nominations or votes.
  • Emails to notify nominees about any new nomination or vote.
  • Blocks and Shortcodes to place any nomination form anywhere.
  • Widgets to place any nomination form on any sidebar.
  • New fields and attributes on GamiPress blocks, shortcodes and widgets to manually show or hide the configured nomination settings.
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