GamiPress – Rest API Extended

Current Version: 1.0.7
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New rest API endpoints to extend interaction between your gamification environment and external applications. GamiPress – Rest API Extended is a Premium Wordpress Plugin developed by GamiPress.

New rest API endpoints to extend interaction between your gamification environment and external applications.

Rest API Extended introduces new rest API endpoints to extend interaction between your gamification environment and external applications.

In addition, this add-on includes settings that let’s you customize numerous aspects of the new endpoints like a custom base URL or the ability to enable GET access.

Also, this add-on adds new features to extend and expand the functionality of GamiPress.


  • New points-related routes to retrieve, award and revoke points to any user.
  • New achievement-related routes to retrieve, award and revoke achievements to any user.
  • New rank-related routes to retrieve (current, next and previous), award and revoke ranks to any user.
  • New requirement-related routes to award and revoke any requirement of any type to any user.
  • Rank utility routes to upgrade (to next rank) and downgrade (to previous rank) the user rank.
  • Ability to enable access to all routes through GET method (for testing purposes).
  • Ability to setup the base URL for all routes.
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