GeoDirectory – Advance Search Filters

Current Version: 2.3.20
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Uber-search with multiple custom filters. GeoDirectory – Advance Search Filters is a Premium Wordpress Plugin developed by AyeCode.

Uber-search with multiple custom filters.

Buy individually | $39.00 The Advanced Search Filters add-on expands your default search widget by adding a range of filters: search autocompleter, geolocation, radius and much more. The possibilities are limitless. First off, Advanced Search Filters adds an Ajax autocompleter function to both of GeoDirectory's search fields: €œSearch For € and €œNear €. The €œSearch For € field will search for keywords, while the €œNear € field will query locations and return results sorted by distance: hotels, near Chicago? No problem.

Near me

If users share their location with the site, they can search using the €œNear Me € option. This search will return results within a user-specified radius of the shared location. Taco stands within a mile of where I am right now! Because sometimes it's urgent €¦

Custom field search

You can also filter search results by any custom fields you may have added to your listings. If you added modifiers such as €œpet-friendly, € €œdisabled access, € or €œfree wifi €, you can now filter search to show only those results: pet-friendly hotels with disabled access within 10 miles of me? Sorted.

Custom post search

Of course, this plugin also integrates perfectly with our Custom Post Types plugin. This means you can filter search by custom fields of any custom post type you added.
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