GeoDirectory – Custom Post Types

Current Version: 2.3.9
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Go beyond the default listing category. Harness the full power of WordPress custom post types (CPT) to offer and manage multiple listing categories. GeoDirectory – Custom Post Types is a Premium Wordpress Plugin developed by AyeCode.

Go beyond the default listing category. Harness the full power of WordPress custom post types (CPT) to offer and manage multiple listing categories.

Here's how it works: each new listing you make with GeoDirectory is a custom post. By default, GeoDirectory offers a single custom post type, called €œPlaces €. This add-on lets you create and add as many CPT's as you need, allowing you to divide categories and manage features and parameters per CPT. Each CPT has its own form builder, so you can add in any custom fields, prices, custom categories and tags that you need. You can even create listings without a physical location and build a directory of websites or online services. Any new CPTs you create will have their own dedicated sidebar menu and management system, just like €œPlaces €.

Use with Advance Search Filters to provide truly granular search

This add-on also integrates perfectly with our Advance Search Filters add-on. Using the two together, you can search per post type and apply search filters per post type. For example a CPT for €œHotels € could have filters such as €œFree WiFi € or €œPets Allowed €, affording your users a truly granular search experience.
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