Gravity Perks – Address Autocomplete

Current Version: 1.2.26
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Improve user experience and increase form conversion by adding address autocomplete for Gravity Forms. Gravity Perks – Address Autocomplete is a Premium Wordpress Plugin developed by Gravity Wiz.

Improve user experience and increase form conversion by adding address autocomplete for Gravity Forms.

Simplify Address field entry and save your users time with our Google Places Autocomplete API integration for Gravity Forms.

This plugin integrates the Google Places Autocomplete API directly with Gravity Forms Address fields. Best of all, you just need to provide an API key and enable one setting.

By incorporating Address Autocomplete, you can:

  • Simplify the address entry experience on desktop and mobile devices
  • Save your users time – autocomplete an address in seconds
  • Increase your form’s conversions and reduce form abandonment


  • One-click enable for Address Fields.
    Provide your Google API key and click one checkbox on the field to get Google-powered Address Autocomplete.
  • Works with all address types.
    Whether your Address field is configured to be a United States, Canadian, or international address, Address Autocomplete will populate it correctly.
  • Restrict available countries.
    Are you only offering services in a limited set of countries? Restrict the countries directly from the settings. Address fields using the United States or Canadian address types will automatically be restricted.
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